Carl Pullein

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October Is The Start Of The Annual Planning Season

“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much”. 

Jim Rohn

October is the start of the planning season. The time of year we start to turn our attention to the year ahead and what we would like to accomplish in the new year.

With the disruption, we have all experienced in 2020, most of us have had to reassess our plans in 2020 and, perhaps, quite a few of those plans were abandoned and new ones were brought in. 

But, whatever happens in our environment, life goes on and our pursuit of excellence, self-development and growth continues. Sure, we may have had to reassess our plans for this year, but this pandemic will end (sooner rather than later we hope) and we want to emerge into the new way of life stronger, wiser and better than we entered it. 

You can download my FREE annual planning template from my Downloads Centre and if you are an Evernote user you can get the template straight into your Evernote right here.

I want to give you every opportunity to set yourself up for an outstanding year in 2021. To give you control of your time, your goals and your life. To have a plan, a strategy and the determination to make 2021 the year you wanted 2020 to be.

With Time And Life Mastery, you get:

  • 3 ½ hours of lessons.

  • FREE comprehensive workbook.

  • FREE access to Your Digital Life 3.0, The Ultimate Goal Planning course and Email Mastery. (Valued at $175.00!).

  • Lifetime access to all updates for FREE.

  • Step by step lessons to guide you towards building the life you want.

  • A life plan you design for yourself.

  • The skills to achieve any goal you put your mind to.

I know the skills taught in this course work. I know because I have lived them for the last ten years and in that time I have founded two companies I still run today, Fandcorp English Solutions and Carl Pullein International. I have written and published four books, with a fifth on its way. I have created over 300 blog posts, 750 YouTube videos and 150 podcasts, and I am also a husband, a son and a brother. 

How do I fit all these things in my life? Easy. I practice what I teach. I would never have been able to do all these things if I did not have a plan, mastered my time and my life and not put all that in to a system that allows me to get all my work done each day with enough time to spare to spend quality time with my wife and family and get sufficient rest each day. 

Because I know it works, and because I believe in the potential of all of us to achieve amazing things, I want to bring all I have learned about time and life mastery into one course, so I can show as many people as possible that they can take control of their lives. 

You can do the things you want to do. And you can create a life you will be proud of. You just need a direction, a purpose and Time And Life Mastery 3.