Carl Pullein

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The Goal Setting Mini Course.

Over the years, I have found accomplishing goals using the traditional SMART goal approach to be difficult. While, when done correctly, it does give you clarity (Specific) and a timeline (timed), it lacks one critical ingredient: motivation.

SMART goals work well in corporate settings; there, multiple people work together to achieve a given outcome. However, personal goals fall down because there is no motivation driving you when things get difficult, and things always get difficult.

This is why I developed my new goal setting course. I’ve seen too many people give up on goals or struggle to maintain their purpose, and yet all that was missing was a motivational pull that would keep them going when things got difficult.

My new goal setting mini-course is different because it starts with what motivates you. You begin with the vision of the person you want to become, and we build a vision of what that will look like.

We then create the blueprint to develop the right actions and habits to turn whatever we wish to achieve into small steps that can be built into our daily lives through daily activities and practices, so we move closer towards accomplishing those goals.

If you are ready to start achieving the things you’ve always wanted to achieve, to have focus each day and to feel like you are moving forward each day, then this new mini-course is for you.

You can also get all three of my mini-courses for $75.00, saving yourself $25.00.