Productivity Masterclass | How to Create your own custom daily workflow.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” —Aristotle 

Do you struggle to maintain any kind of consistency in your day? Do you find you are always having to reschedule tasks and feel overwhelmed and behind with your work? Is your backlog of emails, tasks and projects causing you to feel stressed out and out of control? 

Part of the reason for this is the number of inputs coming at you every day. Email never stops, interruptions from colleagues and customers come at all times of the day and it is hard to stay on top and in control of everything coming at you.

That is why having a workflow that guides you through the day works. Your workflow gives you a structure, it allows you to schedule blocks of time to deal with your communications and your most important work, yet at the same time give you the flexibility to deal with the interruptions and distractions that will come your way every day. 

This course is designed to help you find a routine and structure to your day so you can focus on what is important to you and stay in control of your day no matter what gets thrown at you. 

Your workflow is built around the 2+8 Prioritisation method, a simple, yet effective way to prioritise your day whether it is a workday or a free day that you dedicate ten to twenty minutes to perform at the end of your working day. 

It’s what you do consistently on a daily basis that drives you forward with your goals and projects. 

This course will teach you how to develop your very own workflow that keeps you focused on what is important to you not what is important to others and it ensures you stay on track with your projects and goals. 

This course will take you through a number of worksheets in the FREE downloadable workbook that help you identify what is important. Your family, friends, lifestyle, health, career and what you what to do for rest and relaxation. This course is about putting you first so you have the energy and time to be in the moment with the people that matter to you most instead of worrying about all the work you may not have done and could be building up in your inbox. 

What you will gain from this course:

  • Have a better understanding of your relationship with time

  • Understand what is important to you

  • Know what you would like to have time for each day

  • How to find the time to do the things you want to do

  • How to get ‘stuff’ off your mind and into a trusted system

  • Learn why the 2+8 Prioritisation Method works

  • Learn how to get control of your focus

  • Become a proactive person instead of being a reactive person

  • Discover what you want to achieve in the next twelve months 

  • Create a plan for the decade

This course has taken nearly a year to develop and I am so excited to finally be able to share it with you. 

This course is less about a system and more about developing the intention to start doing the things you have always wanted to do but never been able to find the time to do it. 

If you have always struggled to stay on top of your work and feel as though you are always behind, this course is for you.